Urbanización Aldea Suiza - Cartago, Valle del Cauca
Alliance between Fundacion Carcafe, local goverment and home owners. This project was focussed on employees of Carcafe. Housing Complex "Coffee Aroma" is located in the compound of "Villa Juliana", city of Cartago, department of Valle del Cauca. We built 24 family homes. Each plot of land had 69 square meters. Each house counted with 45,5 square meters. The house included living room, dining room, two bedrooms, kitchen, one bathroom and small patio. Finishing materials were clay tiled roof, ceramic flooring, walls build in brick and cement, iron door. The complex includes green areas, children playground, communal carpark and paved roads.

Housing Development “Aroma del Café” in Cartago, Valle del Cauca
Alliance between Fundacion Carcafe, local goverment and home owners. This project was focussed on employees of Carcafe. Housing Complex "Coffee Aroma" is located in the compound of "Villa Juliana", city of Cartago, department of Valle del Cauca. We built 24 family homes. Each plot of land had 69 square meters. Each house counted with 45,5 square meters. The house included living room, dining room, two bedrooms, kitchen, one bathroom and small patio. Finishing materials were clay tiled roof, ceramic flooring, walls build in brick and cement, iron door. The complex includes green areas, children playground, communal carpark and paved roads.

Enlargement “El Ingenio” school, in Sandoná, Nariño
Construction of 2 new Classrooms and separate restrooms for boys and girls donated by Empresas de Nariño Ltda.

Housing Development “Aldea Suiza en el corazón del Quindío” in Montenegro, Quindío
Alliance between Fundacion Carcafe, local goverment and home owners. This project aimed to benefit families victims of the heartquacke of January 25th 1995. Housing complex "Aldea Suiza en el corazon del Quindio" is located in the village of Montenegro, Quindio on the road towards Pueblo Tapao. It consists of 13 blocks of housing with paved roads between them. It includes parking lots and foothpaths with sitting areas. Additional services were included like rooms for ceramic lessons. The complex included 101 houses, 43 of them had 2 floors and 58 had one floor. All houses complied with current hearthquacke resistant regulations NRS - 98. House description: The two floors houses had plots of land of 48.75 square meters and 65.56 square meters of inner area. One floor houses had plots of land of 49,19 square meters and inner area of 44.02 square meters. Houses included living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms, patio and wc. The two floored houses had the possibility of building an extension on the second floor.

Enlargement “IE Colegio Nacionalizado Pablo VI” school in Taminango, Nariño
Alliance between La Minita Coffee and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. This project was directed to students of Colegio Pablo VI, with the provision and construction of a student dining room, consisting of: A dining room, a kitchen, a storage room, separate restrooms for boys and girls and a store.

Concurso Carrera Cafetera 2003 – Pasto, Nariño
Alliance between Starbucks and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Provision for 975 coffee growing families with appliances for the family kitchen and coffee processing infrastructure.

Housing Development “Simon Bolivar” in Planadas, Tolima
Alliance between Fundacion Carcafe and local goverment. This project aimed to benefit farming families displaced by the violence in the Tolima department. Following the Carcafe Foundation's politics and attending a request from Planadas' Mayor's Office - Tolima, Fundacion Carcafe decided to undertake a housing project for 150 displaced families that were living on a plot of land from the municipality. In agreement with the Mayor the construction of the houses was to be financed while the Mayor's Office provided the lot and the urban infrastructure. Project: Given the lot's topography, a road axis was designed along the property with blocks of houses perpendicular to it, with pedestrian walkways and green areas; looking for another pedestrian road axis that leads to a central green area as a park, taking advantage of the existing vegetation.
Housing Description: The area of the lot for each house is 72 Mts2 and 36 Mts2 built area. The housing consists of: living - dining room, a kitchenette, a social bathroom, and two bedrooms.

Donation of coffee processing equipment for 175 farms, Northern Nariño.
Alliance between Starbucks, Cooperativa de Caficultores del Norte, Banco Agrario and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. The project was carried out with the objective of improving the quality of life of displaced persons and 120 coffee growing families by strengthening their coffee growing capabilities and the conditions of their infrastructure used in coffee processing.

Improvement “Liceo San Francisco de Asis” school in Chachagui, Nariño
Alliance between La Minita Coffee and Empresas de Nariño Ltda.Construction of one new clasroom in the second floor and refurbishment of one existing classroom in the first floor. School: Colegio San Francisco de Asis, Chachagui, Nariño.

Donation of coffee processing equipment for 175 farms, Northern Nariño.
Alliance between Starbucks and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. In order to continue with the work of the Carcafe Foundation to help 175 coffee growing families in the Department of Nariño, this project consists of housing improvements, the construction of dry and/or wet processing plants, sanitary units, and the provision of pulpers and solar dryers.

Construction of 65 new rural houses, Northern Nariño
Alliance between Starbucks, Cooperativa de Caficultores del Norte, Banco Agrario and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Construction of 65 new homes for families of coffee growers in Nariño.

Housing Development “Las Chapoleras” in Fresno, Tolima
Alliance between Fundacion Carcafe and local goverment. This project aimed to benefit families from the municipality of Fresno, where Carcafe Ltda. C.I. has a production plant and linked families to the process of selecting the product for export. The objective is to link economic efforts between the Municipal Government and Carcafe Ltda. C.I. for the inhabitants of the region with limited resources and very few possibilities of access to decent housing. Housing Description: The area of the lot for each house is 72 Mts2 and are built per house: 36 Mts2 , the house consists of: two bedrooms, living - dining room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and enclosed courtyard.

Proyecto Tierra Colombia – Guadalupe, Huila
Project in Alliance with Fondaziones Giuseppe e Pericle Lavazza. During the first phase: The objective of the program is to strengthen a group of small coffee growers from Huila in the improvement of housing, implementation of means for the work of benefiting the product and family income. The program was developed for an organized community of 51 coffee growing families (approx 250 people), owners of coffee growing areas with an average of no more than 5 to 8 hectares, called Grupo Asociativo Villa Esperanza, applied in civil works for housing, implementation of sanitary systems, waste water treatment systems, improvement of the wet processing of the product, for the pulping, fermentation, washing and pit, and delivery of a dryer for the dry processing of coffee.
Second phase: The second phase of the program is currently being developed through an inter-institutional agreement between the Corporación Regional del Alto Magdalena and the Grupo Asociativo Villa Esperanza. The objective is to join economic, institutional, administrative and technical efforts to develop activities for the reforestation, conformation and protection of biological corridors and sustainable coffee production, seeking the recovery of biological connectivity between ecosystems.

Concurso Carrera Cafetera 2004 – Nariño
Alliance between Starbucks and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Provision of 600 fumigation pumps and 375 pressure cookers for coffee growing families from Northern Nariño.

Improvement of 152 rural houses, Northern Nariño
Alliance between Starbucks and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Housing refurbishment for 152 coffee growing families and installation of infrastructure for post-harvest coffee processing.

Proyecto Desarrollo Sostenible para caficultores – Norte de Nariño
Alliance between Dutch government, Starbucks and Empresas de Nariño Ltd. Project of high impact on 11 municipalities of Nariño, with a very high level of investement per family. The program aimed at the inhabitants of the rural area of the Department of Nariño, affected by the Colombian armed conflict that has generated displacement, desertion of coffee crops and immigration to the capital cities. The objective is to join efforts to implement a social, economic and sustainable agriculture strategy to link 1080 small coffee growing families (approximately 5,000 people) to the coffee production chain, enabling them to access the market, improve productivity yields, increasing their income levels and therefore their quality of life. The program was budgeted for a period of two years, starting in June 2005. It was then extended for two more years.

Donation of 450 computers, Northern Nariño
As a result of an aliance between IOM, Computer Aid aMicrosoft and Empresas de Nariño Ltd, we donated 450 repowered computers transported them from England to Colombia by ship and then land transportation from Buenaventura to the coffee-growing areas of Nariño. They were distributed among 50 rural schools in the coffee-growing areas of Nariño. The computers were installed and the students and teachers of the 50 schools were trained in their use. The licenses and software were donated by Microsoft.

Improvement “San Antonio” School in Sandona, Nariño
Alliance between La Minita Coffee and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. San Antonio School with 36 students had the sanitary unit refurbished and the drinking water and sanitary installations repaired; the playground was enlarged for student recreation, and a retaining wall was built to protect students from possible landslides.

Enlargement “IE Rural Mixta de Quebradahonda” school in La Florida, Nariño

Colegio Escuela Rural Mixta Quebradahonda – La Florida, Nariño
Alliance between La Minita Coffee and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Quebrada Honda School with 82 students: We demolished the existing sanitary unit and built a new one in the same site, construction of a septic tank with its respective sanitary networks.

Improvement “IE Rural Mixta Rosapamba” school in La Florida, Nariño
Alliance between La Minita Coffee and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Rural mixed school Rosampamba, refurbishment of 4 existing classrooms for 104 students.

Improvement of 164 rural homes in Northern Nariño
Alliance between Starbucks and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Refurbishment of 164 coffee-growers houses in rural zones.

“Sol y Luna Foundation” 160 Student scholarships in Chachagui, Nariño
Alliance between Starbucks and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Project focused on 145 vulnerable families, that don't have their own coffee-growing farm but work as coffee pickers during harvesting seasons. The main intention is to provide their 145 children with the necessary school items, basic uniform of the educative campus, (sweatshirt, pants, t-shirt, socks, scholar and sport shoes, underwear). Provide the parents of the benefited child with monthly money that covers daily school lunch during ten months of the year. Give a christmas and birthday gift to each child. Provide training to families on topics of general interest such as basic hygiene, family planning, promotion of good treatment in the family, topics that benefit the members of the family.

Enlargement “IE Nuestra Señora del Carmen” school in La Florida, Nariño
Alliance between La Minita Coffee and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. The project consisted on construction of a multi-purpose room and sanitary installation. Improvement of accesibility for children and teachers, to the school restaurant at the Nuestra Señora del Carmen School located in the Municipality of La Florida with 165 students. Construction of concrete plaques for two classrooms and refurbishing of the ceiling .

Enlargement “IE Centro Educativo El Motilon” school in Samaniego, Nariño
Alliance between La Minita Coffee and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Construction of 2 new classrooms in the second floor of an already existing school. School with 120 student in El Motilon vereda, Samaniego, Nariño.

Improvement “IE Rural Mixta Rosapamba” school in La Florida, Nariño
Alliance between La Minita Coffee Roasters and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Remodeling of kiosk for meetings and sports activities. Colegio de La Florida, Nariño with 105 students.

Colegio Concentración de Desarrollo Rural – Consaca, Nariño
Alliance between La Minita Coffee Roasters and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Remodeling of two existing classrooms, changes of floors, repairs and painting of walls. School in Consaca, Nariño with 475 students.

Colegio Centro Educativo Ricaurte – El Tambo, Nariño
Alliance between La Minita Coffee and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Construction of new separate restrooms for boys and girls and playground for small children. School for 67 students located at El tambo, Nariño.

Pablo Sexto Nationalized College
Alliance between La Minita Coffee and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Refurbishment of school library: construction new flooring and walls improvement. Colegio Pablo Sexto with 460 students.

“Sol y Luna Foundation” 160 Student scholarships in Chachagui, Nariño
Alliance between Starbucks and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Project focused on 160 vulnerable families, that don't have their own coffee-growing farm but work as coffee pickers during harvesting seasons. The main intention is to provide their 160 children with the necessary school items, basic uniform of the educative campus, (sweatshirt, pants, t-shirt, socks, scholar and sport shoes, underwear). Provide the parents of the benefited child with monthly money that covers daily school lunch during ten months of the year. Give a christmas and birthday gift to each child. Provide training to families on topics of general interest such as basic hygiene, family planning, promotion of good treatment in the family, topics that benefit the members of the family.

Proyecto Desarrollo Sostenible para caficultores – Occidente de Nariño
In alliance with USAID, Starbucks and Empresas de Nariño Ltd, we developed this high impact project with a high level of investment per farm. Project in which we work with 800 small coffee-growing families in western Nariño, equivalent to approximately 4,000 people. Municipalities of Consaca, Sandona, Samaniego, Sotomayor, La Florida, El Tambo. Contributed to the formation and strengthening of 10 coffee growers' associations to become a more significant part of the value chain. Investments were made per farm in coffee processing infrastructure such as drying patios, drying canopies, fermentation tanks and technical assistance for good management to improve the quality of the coffee. These farms have been selling their coffee at export quality and at a premium annually. Support was provided for the construction of collection centers for coffee grower associations to strengthen their group work and provide them with equipment for receiving coffee and office material.

Proyecto Asistencia Técnica a fincas– Norte de Nariño
In alliance with Starbucks and Empresas de Nariño Ltd, we developed this project, in which more than 600 coffee growing families were supported with technical assistance, the implementation of more than 14,000 shade trees and thousands of species of plants used to prevent erosion and support the implementation of agroforestry arrangements combined with the cultivation of coffee. Investments were also made in post-harvest coffee processing infrastructure on the farms to improve the quality of the product to be exported.

“Sol y Luna Foundation” 175 Student scholarships in Chachagui, Nariño
Alliance between Starbucks and Empresas de Nariño Ltda. Project focused on 175 vulnerable families, that don't have their own coffee-growing farm but work as coffee pickers during harvesting seasons. The main intention is to provide their 175 children with the necessary school items, basic uniform of the educative campus, (sweatshirt, pants, t-shirt, socks, scholar and sport shoes, underwear). Provide the parents of the benefited child with monthly money that covers daily school lunch during ten months of the year. Give a christmas and birthday gift to each child. Provide training to families on topics of general interest such as basic hygiene, family planning, promotion of good treatment in the family, topics that benefit the members of the family.

“Fair Trade USA pilot No. 2” for 300 farms in Samaniego, Nariño
Project in aliance between Empresas de Nariño Ltda, IOM and CRS, Catholic Relief Services. It consisted on the implementation of FLO standards and certification of 300 coffee-growing families from the Samaniego, Nariño municipality, equivalent to aproximately 1500 people. This associated group of families managed to sell multiple certified coffee containers to US roasters.

Project “Tchibo Join Forces Phase 1” for 600 coffee growers in Northern Nariño
Project in alliance with the German roasting company Tchibo Gmbh and cooperation of the Dutch government IDH represented in Colombia by the Dutch Solidarity Foundation. First phase lasted 3 years that was extended for 3 more years. Benefited 1700 coffee growing families equivalent to approximately 8500 people in 16 municipalities of Nariño. The coffee production chain was strengthened at the producer level. Implemented and certified as Rainforest Alliance 1400 farms, which have been selling their coffee as certified for export to Germany since 2012 until today 2021 (More than 5MM Kg of CPS in the first 3 years). 14000 trees were planted in 1000 farms forming agroforestry arrangements with coffee, to improve biodiversity in micro-watersheds of the Patia, Pasto, Juanambu and Mayo rivers. During 7 years these trees have helped to produce 3.3MM Kg of O2 and have helped to capture 210000 Kg of CO2. Wastewater treatment systems were installed for 800 farms to contribute to the conservation of the Patia, Mayo, Pasto and Juanambu river basins. These treatments have helped clean 500000 cubic meters of water. 262 families built friendly stoves to prevent the contamination of coffee-growing families and reduce the incidence of COPD in the fields. 1,000 families were trained in financial management of the coffee farm, getting to know the P&G of their farm at the end of the year and to plan the budget for the following year. EPP for 500 coffee growers protecting them from the side effects of agrochemicals. 421 farms with soil analysis and recommendations. Coffee profiling of more than 1000 farms. 700 coffee growers working as active members of 26 coffee grower associations.

Proyecto Piloto Fair Trade USA Fase I – Colon Génova, Nariño
Project in aliance between Empresas de Nariño Ltda, Fundacion Avina and FUNDES. Implementation of FLO standards and certification for 250 coffee-growing families from the Colon Genova municipality in north of Nariño, equivalent to aproximately 1000 people. This great association of families managed to sell multiple certified coffee containers to US clients.

Construction new school “IE Sagrado Corazon de Jesus” in San Lorenzo, Nariño
Project in alliance with Costa Foundation for the construction of a new educational block for the Sagrado Corazon de Jesus Educational Institution located in the municipality of San Lorenzo, Nariño, the third largest coffee producer in the department. The school had 782 students and 8 new classrooms for 300 high school students, dining room, kitchen, pantry, separate bathrooms for boys and girls and rest area were built. The management of the project began in 2014 and alliances were achieved with the government of Nariño and the mayor's office of San Lorenzo. The work was built in 10 months and was inaugurated in May 2016. The total number of people benefited by this project is approximately 4000.

Project “Fertilizers Rotating Fund” for 1,100 farms in Northern Nariño
Project in alliance with Catholic Relief Services, CRS. It consisted on the creation of a rotary fund to facilitate the delivery of fertilizer to groups of coffee grower associations each year. To date more than 1000 coffee farms have been able to fertilize their coffee plantations and increase their productivity, approximatelly 5,000 people benefited. The rotary fund continues to be active and with 100% success in payments during the 7 years of operation.

Proyecto Borderlands – Norte de Nariño
A very innovative project in alliance with CRS, Catholic Relief Services, in which we work with 500 coffee-growing families in the north of Nariño, equivalent to approximately 2,500 people. Municipalities of La Union, Taminango and San Lorenzo. Nine coffee grower associations were created and strengthened to become a more significant part of the value chain. Implemented and certified 500 farms as Rainforest Alliance. These farms have been selling their coffee at export quality and at a premium annually. A mobile quality laboratory was built that works in the villages providing training to coffee growers and profiling their coffee to support the improvement of the parchment for sale. Two collection centers were built for coffee grower associations to strengthen their group work, and they were equipped with coffee processing infrastructure such as mechanical dryers so that the associated families can sell the product with added value. Associations were formed to work in community nurseries that later continued with the additional business to improve the finances of the farms.

Project “Technology Transformation for coffee growers” in Southern Meta
Project of Technology transformation for coffee growing farmers: White Spaces internet connectivity & IoT at farm.
This inittiative was under the leadership of ALO Partners with the support of Fondaziones Giuseppe e Pericle Lavazza. In alliance with Microsoft Corporation, National Spectrum Agency and Ministry of Telecommunications, MAKAIA & ALOpartners, allowed the design and implementation of an innovative innitiative which provided internet connectivity via TVWhite spaces to 5% of our coffee project population. Such innovation was recognized by Colombian president Santos who visited the project himself with Mr. Luigi Lavazza and Telecommunications and Agriculture Ministers. Project was selected as pilot project for Colombian future communication in rural areas.
We provided digital training for 100 farming families, 60 women, 60 youngsters and 30 school teachers in the area. With an alliance with XFARMS, Italian experts on technology for agriculture, we implemented Internet of Things sensors at the farm level to monitor variables such as soil temperature, wind, pluviosity, air moisture, heat, amongst others that affect crops’ performance. These sensors feed data in an application developed for Lavazza to trigger responses at the farm level. Farmers/engineers communication has speeded up via this tailor -made application and so has our speed of reaction.

Project “Tierra Colombia Phase 1” in Southern Meta
Project in alliance with Lavazza FOundation, during the first Phase we focussed on gathering a group of 100 coffee farmers (equivalent to 500 people) from the piedmont area of Meta department who were willing to implement Sustainable productivity respecting the environment. Since then and for the past 6 years we have achieved transformation fo farms and farmers financial status. For 6 years we obtained Rainforest Alliance certification status, the strictest of the environmental certifications and farmers received higher prices than if conventional coffee. 100 farms do not contaminate water sources by implementation of up to 5 different residual water treatments installed by the project at every farm. They do not cut down primary forest and take care of wild life. We have 450 hectares of conservation area amongst the 1700 hectars of farland. Farm byproducts are used within the farm and plastic or chemical residuals are collected in separate containers to take to organized public collections. Farmers learnt the importance of water potability analysis, legal permissions to use natural sources, basic first aid practices, boiling water for human consumption; and attended medical appointments for doctors diagnose on safety at work, blood tests to check chemical damage due to agrochemical applications. PPE and regular trainings on safe use of agrochemical products, awareness of their harm to human health and to the environment.

Project “Tchibo Join Forces Phase 2” for 1,700 coffee growers in Northern Nariño.
Project in alliance with the German roasting company Tchibo Gmbh and cooperation of the Dutch government IDH represented in Colombia by the Dutch Solidarity Foundation. Benefited 1700 coffee growing families equivalent to approximately 8500 people in 16 municipalities of Nariño. The coffee production chain was strengthened at the producer level. Implemented and certified as Rainforest Alliance 1400 farms, which have been selling their coffee as certified for export to Germany since 2012 until today 2021 (More than 5MM Kg of CPS in the first 3 years). 14000 trees were planted in 1000 farms forming agroforestry arrangements with coffee, to improve biodiversity in micro-watersheds of the Patia, Pasto, Juanambu and Mayo rivers. During 7 years these trees have helped to produce 3.3MM Kg of O2 and have helped to capture 210000 Kg of CO2. Wastewater treatment systems were installed for 800 farms to contribute to the conservation of the Patia, Mayo, Pasto and Juanambu river basins. These treatments have helped clean 500000 cubic meters of water. 262 families built friendly stoves to prevent the contamination of coffee-growing families and reduce the incidence of COPD in the fields. 1,000 families were trained in financial management of the coffee farm, getting to know the P&G of their farm at the end of the year and to plan the budget for the following year. EPP for 500 coffee growers protecting them from the side effects of agrochemicals. 421 farms with soil analysis and recommendations. Coffee profiling of more than 1000 farms. 700 coffee growers working as active members of 26 coffee grower associations.

2019 - 2020
Project “Food Security for 200 coffee families Phase 1” In Abejorral, Antioquia
Proyecto en alianza con Dutch Bros Foundation hemos implementado 3 componentes principales con 200 familias / 1,000 personas de fincas cafeteras de Abejorral, Antioquia:
1. Productividad Sostenible del Café,
2. Seguridad alimentaria de las fincas cafeteras a través de sistemas agroforestales y huertos,
3. Hábitos alimenticios saludables para las familias cafeteras.
Para la Productividad Sostenible del Café, incluiremos 4 aspectos: Ambiental, Social, Financiero y calidad del café. En cada uno de ellos implementaremos 2 sesiones de entrenamiento como sigue: Aspecto Ambiental incluyendo una sesión de entrenamiento sobre manejo de suelos y manejo de agua, y otra sesión sobre manejo seguro de productos agroquímicos en la finca cafetera. Aspecto social que incluye una sesión doble que incluye los principios de primeros auxilios y los fundamentos de la seguridad cuando se trabaja en la finca. Aspectos financieros: dos sesiones de grupo sobre la planificación de las actividades de la finca para el 100% de los agricultores, y un seguimiento individual de los costes y gastos del 10% de los agricultores para identificar su flujo de caja.
Seguridad alimentaria con dos áreas principales de enfoque: Huertos y Sistemas Agroforestales con Café. Ambas áreas incluyen visitas y diagnósticos individuales a las fincas, entrenamientos sobre los beneficios de la implementación y manejo de materiales, semillas y árboles para plantar en la finca.
Los Hábitos Alimentarios Saludables serán impartidos en sesiones grupales por una chef profesional, en las que combinará temas relacionados con la nutrición, la salud y recetas de cocina con verduras y productos propios de la finca.

Sustainable Development for Meta Coffee Growers Phase II
Proyecto desarrollado en alianza con Fundacion Lavazza. Durante la segunda fase del proyecto nos centramos en el componente del café: La consistencia de la calidad del café ha mejorado gracias a la elaboración de perfiles de taza anuales por finca, en el laboratorio de calidades de Carcafe. Los 100 agricultores (aproximadamente 500 personas) eliminaron los defectos derivados del exceso de humedad y de la recogida de cerezas inmaduras. Lo hemos logrado centrándonos en la mejora de las prácticas de post-cosecha mediante la instalación de marquesinas de secado al sol y tanques de fermentación. Llevamos a especialistas en calidad para entrenar a los agricultores sobre los tiempos de secado y fermentación con dispositivos mecánicos especiales (fermaestro y balanzas de pergamino) en cada finca. Nuestro sólido grupo de agrónomos experimentados entrenaron a los agricultores para mejorar las plantaciones establecidas; como resultado, el 30% de los agricultores aplicaron prácticas de poda para vigorizar y estimular el rendimiento de la productividad en los arboles de café viejos. Con nuestros análisis individuales de suelos, los agricultores identificaron las necesidades reales de su suelo y aprendieron las ventajas de los múltiples tiempos de fertilización en los 5500 mm de lluvia anuales de Meta. La gestión de las plagas es crucial a bajas altitudes, los agricultores adoptaron prácticas para el uso seguro de plaguicidas, el control biológico y métodos regulares de seguimiento de las plagas; redujeron los niveles de infestación de la broca del cerezo del 12% al 2% de medio. Enfoques en la nueva zona cafetera: Las plantaciones de café establecidas tenían problemas cruciales de raíz, debido a las malas prácticas de vivero. Nuestros agrónomos enseñaron a los agricultores a cultivar nuevas plantaciones de café desde cero, y hoy hemos aumentado la superficie de café en un 75% aproximadamente. .

Colegio I.E. Agro. Concentración Desarrollo Rural – La Union, Nariño
Project in alliance with Costa Foundation for the construction of a new educational block of the Agricultural and Livestock Educational Institution of rural development located in the village of El Sauce, in the municipality with the largest coffee production in the department of Nariño: La Union. The school had 649 students and 6 new classrooms were built with bioclimatic architecture design for 300 high school students, separate bathrooms for boys and girls, access ramp and gardens for the rest area. The project management began in 2017 and alliances were achieved with the mayor's office of La Union and the school community. The work was built in 8 months and will be inaugurated in May 2019. The total number of people benefited by this project is approximately 3400.

Project “Coffee Defenders” for Producers Organizations in Southern Meta
Project in Alliance with Fondazione Giuseppe e Pericle Lavazza. Construction of new single-family household as a pilot of pre-made housing in remote orinoquia area. The location can only be reached by vehicle during the first 3 summer months of the year. The household has 64 square area meters and 3 rooms, 1 bathroom, dining room, kitchen and clothing area. The household pre-made in concrete panels has architectonic metal tile roofs and natural illumination in 4 sides. So the 6-kid family can live healthily septic wells and grease traps were installed for wastewater treatment, and it also has solar energy panels that allow for illumination, TV and cooking with clean energies.
Project “Food Security for 300 coffee families” in Southern Meta
Project in alliance with Fondaziones Giuseppe e Pericle Lavazza, we focussed on 300 females farmers (equivalent to 1,500 people) who suffered from violence or unemployment during COVID-19 quarantine. Main activity consisted of building vegetable gardens in coffee farms, so families can reduce the amount of groceries they buy from local markets and increase their daily consumption of fresh vegetables. Gardens are of approximately 80mts and will include 10 – 18 vegetables such as spinach, sweet peppers, green beans, onion, leeks, cucumber, lettuce, broccoli, beetroot, carrots and herbs like parsley and coriander. Fundación Carcafe can include herbs for tea such as mint, rosemary, basil, amongst others. With this, farmers can have a more balanced diet with less carbohydrates and process foods. Construction of grocery gardens was done under the constant responsibility of a field engineer from Fundación Carcafe. This field engineer will start working on them once we have the project population identified. He will introduce three topics with group training sessions for about 15 – 20 farmers followed by individual technical assistance from farm to farm. Topics are: What is a grocery garden, planning and benefits; How to plant vegetables, general recommendations; Compost making and preparation of organic pesticides.
2019 - 2020
Project “Tierra Colombia Phase 3” in Southern Meta
Project developed in alliance with Fondazione Giuseppe e Pericle Lavazza. During the third phase we focussed on :Innovation for coffee farmers associations and future sustainability:
* Coffee Defenders: strengthening of coffee value chain: through improvement of production models for associations of coffee farmers who produce sustainably. We want to strengthen associative work through training, construction of communal drying facilities and coffee quality monitoring for 4 associations / 200 farmers or 1,000 people.
* Agroforestry systems and diversification: With assessment of scientists from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, we are implementing agroforestry systems in 100 coffee farms (equivalent to 500 people). Silvo pasture system, silvo agriculture systemas and natural regeneration systems. * Finances of Coffee farm: Bookkeeping, Budgeting and cashflow: We developed a friendly bookkeeping method for illiterate farmers. Farmers’ benchmarking of productivity, efficiency and other KPIs permits to find critical practices that may keep them behind and allows rectification. Individual analysis of Budget vs execution helped farmers to understand their cash flow per month per activity. With last years’ consolidated report, farmers learnt that coffee represents 50% of their income and that productivity yield per hectare requires strong improvement.

2020 - 2021
I.E. Agropecuaria El Remolino - Nariño
Project in alliance with Costa Foundation for the construction of a new educational block for the Institucion Educativa Ecoturistica de Puerto Remolino located in the village of El Remolino, in the coffee-growing municipality of Taminango, Nariño. The school has 460 students and 8 new classrooms were built with bioclimatic architecture design for approximately 300 high school students, as well as garden and rest areas. The project management began in 2019 and alliances were achieved with the mayor of Taminango and the school community. The project was built in 8 months and will be inaugurated in May 2021. The number of people benefiting from this project is approximately 2500.
2020 - 2021
Project “Food Security for 200 coffee families Phase 2” In Abejorral, Antioquia
Project in alliance with Costa Foundation for the construction of a new educational block for the Institucion Educativa Agropecuaria San Carlos located in the very remote village of San Carlos, in the coffee growing municipality of Colon-Genova, Nariño. The school has 200 students. We are building 8 new classrooms and the government of Nariño will build the corresponding restrooms. We improved the conditions of the accessing road to the plot of land. The number of people benefiting from this project is approximately 1,000.
2020 - 2021
Construction of New house for coffee family in Mesetas, Meta
Construction of new house for a Coffee growing family consisting of 6 children and their mother who is the head of the family. It is in a remote area of the municipality of Mesetas, Meta where accessibility is difficult. Vehicles can only reach the house during three months of the year during sunny season. The house consists of 3 bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen, dining and living rooms in 70 square meters. The house hastreatments for residual Waters and solar panels for electricity.

2020 - 2023
Project “Agroforestry & Carbon Sequestration for 400 coffee families” In Abejorral, Antioquia
This Project is an Alliance between Dutch Bros Foundation, Volcafe Foundation and Fundacion Carcafe. We are implementing various strategies to reduce the carbon emissions in 400 coffee growing farms. Main areas of intervention are management of farm residual waters, management of farm solid by-products, coffee & agroforestry arrangements, and coffee nutrition. Yearly monitoring of the Farm footprint plus individual monitoring of the finances of the farm, allow us to validate the advantages of our intervention.
2021 - 2024
Project “INCAS Global + ” & “Tierra Colombia Phase 4” for 900 coffee families in Southern Meta
Our Project is the result of an Alliance between GIZ, German Cooperation Agency, Lavazza Foundation, Carcafe Ltd and Fundacion Carcafe. We are working with 400 coffee growing families and our goal is to reach 900 of them by the end of 2024. Our two main components are Sustainable productivity of coffee and implementation of agroforestry systems in coffee growing farms. We emphasize on rejuvenation of Coffee plantations of 1,5MM coffee trees through both plantation of new Coffee and tissue management of existing plantations. Our innovative practices adapt better to climate change and allow financial viability to small growers. We are implementing agroforestry systems that promote biodiversity, reverse deforestation, and contribute to build carbon pools for Meta growers.
2022 - 2023
Construction New school “IE Agropecuaria San Carlos” in Colon-Genova, Nariño
Project in alliance with Costa Foundation for the construction of a new educational block for the Institucion Educativa Agropecuaria San Carlos located in the very remote village of San Carlos, in the coffee growing municipality of Colon-Genova, Nariño. The school has 200 students. We are building 8 new classrooms and the government of Nariño will build the corresponding restrooms. We improved the conditions of the accessing road to the plot of land. The number of people benefiting from this project is approximately 1,000.