Our schools are designed by professionals from areas of architecture, civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, and electricity engineering to produce top quality constructions sustainable in the long term. Our schools comply with Colombian earthquake resistance regulations like NSR10 and with bioclimatic architecture to adapt to climate change.

We provide farmers with financial training to achieve their annual financial planning. The purpose is that the farmer identifies how new developed skills and recently adopted practices contribute to the improvement of his finances.
The long- term experience of Carcafe in the coffee sector brings the possibility to provide technical support with programs such as Volcafe Way to improve farm practices, cup quality, and to maximize traceability between farms –mill – port.

Hasta ahora, más de 2,500 de nuestras familias cafeteras o aproximadamente 10,000 personas en áreas rurales en Colombia se han beneficiado de nuestras estrategias y han servido de ejemplo para comunidades vecinas.
Testimonials Antioquia Community

1.Productor: Angela Grisales
Department of Antioquia, Municipality of Abejorral, village of Portugal
Since I learned in the project of the damage to the health of the daily use of artificial condiments, I started to produce my own condiment for the preparation of food with the grower from our orchard.

2.Productor: Luz Edilia Agudelo
Department of Antioquia, Municipality of Abejorral, Village of La Primavera
With the project I have been able to teach my daughters to plant trees to take care of the environment, fruit trees that will feed us, and vegetables for our daily consumption. My husband has learned about coffee quality and about matters that help us to improve the farm’s production. It makes me very happy that the whole family can enjoy the project’s activities.

3.Productora: Nidia Marin
Department of Antioquia, Municipality of Abejorral, Village of Santa Ana
“It is very good that they give us the chance to learn about that tool that cones to supplement the exercise of keeping the expenses and the income from the farm’s agriculture, and that allows me and my husband to learn, first hand, that one can live from the coffee ……”

4. Productores: Don Carlos Arturo Ocampo Ocampo y Doña Carmenza
Department of Antioquia, Municipality of Abejorral, Village of Chagualal
“We are very happy to receive the orchard because nobody gives you food, or trees, and to have you here in my house to teach us a lot of things that I did not know; we are interested in taking advantage of what you are giving us because I am going to use it and I am going to take care of it”

5.Productora: Yohana Andrea Rios.
Department of Antioquia, Municipality of Abejorral, Village of Santa Ana
“The support that the project is giving to me with the follow - up of the coffee expenses is something very special. It is always very good to know how are we handling the farm in spite of the little knowledge we have, we know that coffee is profitable, but to know with exact figures of 2 years of follow – up, has shown me what do I have to improve to continue being profitable”

6.Productor: Ruben Patiño
Department of Antioquia, Municipality of Abejorral, village of El Granadillo
We must really thank the Fundación CARCAFE because we are meeting once again as a community, to learn and to share. We feel very happy for all the knowledge and materials that they have given to us.

7.Productor: Ramiro Ospina
Department of Antioquia, Municipality of Abejorral, Village of El Erizo
We usually planted vegetables, but we did it in a disorganized manner: at times we had a lot of produce, and sometimes we had nothing. Now we keep the orchard at scale, with constant production and without the application of agrochemicals.
8.Productor: Yesica Rivera
Department of Antioquia, Municipality of Abejorral, village of Portugal
Thank you for remembering us during the pandemic, for providing the biosafety kit and for teaching us how to protect ourselves; also, for the measures for the disinfection of ourselves and of the products when we go to town and return to our farms.
9.Productor: Marta Rojas
Department of Antioquia, Municipality of Abejorral, Village of Purima.
I am very happy with the home orchard project; I have fresh produce to consume: “why buy if we can produce”
10.Productor: Carmen Cruz
Department of Antioquia, Municipality of Abejorral, Village of Chagualal
Before the farm’s accounts frightened me a lot: with the project’s support we are keeping them in an organized manner, in which I really know my expenses and how I can improve or be more efficient. To know which are the moments with the greater expenses and the lower income helps a lot to be financially organized.
Testimonials from Meta Community

Testimonial of Association’s members.
Gisela Buitrago (Asodale Association, Municipality of Mesetas, Meta).
I have liked a lot the support of the agronomists in the association, because it strengthens us as a group of women and help us to improve the quality of our coffee.

Coffee growing renewal Testimonial.
Nelson Guarin (Municipality of Mesetas, Meta).
The renewal of the coffee is important because it has taught to us to maintain a stable and constant income.

Testimonial on diversification / agroforestry systems.
Irma Vanegas (Municipality of Lejanías, Meta).
Thanks to the implementation of trees in the grazing fields I help to maintain the environment and i improve my income with the lumber.

Testimonial of farm with Rainforest Alliance certification
Isabel Perdomo (Municipality of Mesetas, Meta).
With the RFA certification we have learned to look after the environment, and we have also seen that our coffee is better paid.

Testimonial for receiving a new home
Johana Romero (Municipality of Mesetas, Meta).
Many thanks to the Carcafe Foundation and to the Lavazza Foundation for making one of my dearest dreams true: now my children have a civilized roof over their heads.
Testimonials from Nariño school Community

2016 Graduate Testimony
Harold Oswaldo Lasso.
Harold Graduated in 2016 from “IE Agropecuaria Concentracion de Desarrollo Rural” La Union, Nariño. This school has an emphasis on agriculture studies. Then he studied at SENA and did his internship at a coffee association in La Union, Nariño.
He participated in a National Coffee tasting competition held at Expoespeciales in Bogota in 2018 and got the first place amongst 83 competitors. Then he participated in a Global Coffee Tasting Competition in Berlin, Germany on 2019.

2016 Graduate Testimony
Diego Hamilton Cabrera.
Diego Hamilton Cabrera graduated from “IE Agropecuaria Concentración de Desarrollo Rural” in 2016 and later he worked for a coffee association in the municipality of La Union, Nariño. He has been the winner of a Colombian coffee tasting contest twice and has got a sixth place at a Global coffee tasting competition.

2014 Graduate Testimony
Eduardo Armero.
Eduardo Armero graduated from “IE Agropecuaria Concentración de Desarrollo Rural” in 2014. Eduardo won the first place in the National Coffee Tasting Competition held at Expoespeciales, in Bogota in 2010 and in 2016.
He participated in the Global Coffee Tasting Competition in 2011 and 2017 in Budapest, Hungary.