International Allies

Piers Blake
Costa Foundation Director
Fundacion Carcafe has been a preferred partner for the Costa Foundation since 2014 and have proven to be one of the most reliable and professional teams that we’ve worked with. What truly impresses us is the passion and commitment of Vivian Vasquez who not only leads these projects with a complete focus on the welfare of the children, but adds a creative edge to our school projects due to her background in architecture and design. Visiting San Lorenzo in 2016 to inaugurate the new school buildings was a real highlight for the Costa Foundation, such a wonderful, bright, modern design and such fantastic facilities for the students. We would recommend working with Fundación Carcafe to anyone that needs a professional and successful project implemented.

Jamie Stacey
Philanthropy Manager
The partnership our Dutch Bros Foundation has experienced with Fundacion Carcafe has been one we are extremely proud of and grateful for. Through trust, the project leaders have been able to establish meaningful relationships with the coffee growing families in Antioquia who are a part of our social intervention project. It has been such a success, we extended the project with a second phase to expand the impact we were seeing with sustainable coffee growing practices, food security, and healthy eating habits. The professionalism, the heart, and the overall desire to improve these communities is evident in a partner like Fundacion Carcafe.

Lavazza Foundation

The Lavazza Foundation has been working in the Meta region, since 2015, together with Fundacion Carcafè with a sustainability project that has improved the economic and social conditions of over one hundred coffee producers and their families. The project, since now, has helped them to bring the coffee plantations back to life by planting over one million coffee plants and training them to use good farming practices, including techniques to fight the negative effects of climate change. This fruitful collaboration is returning every year important results thanks to the creativity, the dynamic and the expertise of all Fundacion Carcafè staff. In addition, coffee farmer’s commitment demonstrates how better solutions can be achieved by working collectively.

Andreas Christmann
Purchasing Manager Cafe Tchibo
We had chosen Carcafe for a development project with small farmers in Colombia for mainly two reasons: Their proven competence in farmer field work and their good presence in the department of Narino.
For us it was a “ win win situation “ as Tchibo is believing in the good combination of quality coffee And real, long lasting work and supply chain partnership.
It speaks for itself that after the first phase of 3 years we jointly prolonged for another 3 year.

National Allies
Carlos Isaza.
Carlos Isaza, Colombian Coffee Program Manager – Solidaridad Network
From Solidaridad we have worked hand in hand with the Carcafe Foundation in Sustainability projects. The dedication, professionalism and above all the commitment to improve the living conditions of the coffee growers is a common denominator of everything that the Carcafe Foundation does.
We need more organizations of this kind that support collaborative work and social commitment with coffee growing communities.
We need more organizations of this kind that support collaborative work and social commitment with coffee growing communities.
Olmedo Castillo Gaviria.
San Lorenzo's Municipal Mayor
Since 1.992, year in which I first started to work in my profession as Certified Public Accountant for the coffee growers’ sector, I articulated and carried out several duties of acquisition of coffee from coffee growers from Municipalities of the North of Nariño, as well as the sale of the same product to private exporters such as Empresas de Nariño Ltda, now Carcafe; that is how, with the knowledge and learning of the production and marketing of the coffee, our vocation of service to the families who benefit of such a laudableactivity grew. That experience led to the knowledge of the Carcafe Foundation when, sponsored by them, in 2004 and 2005 there were projects of improvement of the homes of small coffee growers and families displaced by the conflict whose living quarters were improved with investments fpr a total of about 600 millions in Municipalities such as La Unión, Taminango and San Lorenzo Nariño, this latter being the municipality I, a coffee farmer, come from...
Carlos Miguel Narváez L.
Associated Architects S.A.S.
For our firm it has been great to be a part of this beautiful and important work that the CARCAFE FOUNDATION has been carrying out for several years in our region. We have witnessed, first hand, the great social impact that the education amenities managed, formulated and executed by the CARCAFE Foundation have on each one of the communities that have benefitted by these interventions. We at C.N.O Arquitectos Asociados are very proud that the CARCAFE Foundation has allowed us to take part in these infrastructure projects that leave a mark on the region.
Educational Allies
What do our students say?
What do our educators say?
School Dean – Carlos Dario Pasaje
School “IE Ecoturista Puerto Remolino” In Taminango, Nariño

For the Puerto Remolino Eco - touristic Educational Institution to have been the beneficiary of the project for the construction of 8 classrooms has been, perhaps, the only opportunity that the students of Remolino have had to enjoy beautiful, well built, well designed classrooms, with the adequate technical characteristics for the extreme weather of Remolino. These new learning spaces, adapted to the new educational technologies, will allow the students to improve their academic and behavioral performance, promoting, in this way, the wider access of students to public and private universities, contributing, therefore, to the development of the region and of the municipality of Taminango. We are truly grateful to Fundacion Carcafé and Costa Foundation for making this fantastic gift to the school. We, as well as the future generations, will bear witness to the huge boost that this great project will give.
School Dean – Luis Alberto Suarez
School “IE Agropecuaria Concentración De Desarrollo Rural” In La Union, Nariño

Our RURAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF LA UNION NARIÑO with a historic, social, cultural and educational tradition of 76 years in the service of the integral, pertinent and quality education, is strengthened in its pedagogic, administrative and community - related processes with the implementation of the project of construction of six classrooms and one bathroom battery thanks to the support of the CARCAFE FOUNDATION, which has become a true beacon of hope for the life project of all of our boys and girls of the rural sector, so they can have more and better hopes for their life projects, with which one of our ideas and mottos can become a reality: OUR DREAMS WILL COME TRUE.
School Dean – Sister Lucy Cabrera Cordova
School “IE Sagrado Corazon De Jesus” In San Lorenzo, Nariño

The Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Educational Institution and the Bethlehemite Sisters’ Community of San Lorenzo, Nariño, express their heartfelt thanks to the Fundación Carcafé; because of their generous donation, boys, girls and teenagers from this humble and socioeconomically depressed community can enjoy today of spacious and safe classrooms; we have left behind the overcrowding that prevented them from learning, get together and feel happy. The new building allows us to continue with the mission inspired by our founders the Saint Brother Pedro de San José Betancur and the Blessed Mother María Encarnación Rosal, to continue with their work and to make it relevant today. Our gratitude for ever.